Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

For Business & Family Updates!!

In attempts to keep in better contact with both my delightful clients & friends AND my beloved family spread allover the USA (& beyond!), here is a new idea (well, new to me!) that I'm going try out: a blog! You will find links to some of my favorite manufacturer sites, which I order gold, platinum and silver findings and mountings to create lovely pieces, or recycling client's stones or old jewelry parts into something new to last for generations. Keep in mind, I do also repair and size jewelry, restring pearls and do certified appraisals. I will also add some items to display for sale....especially my unique beaded gemstone & lampwork glass beauties.
Grayson Gems has become my new "business name" recently and I like it because it reflects the obvious: last name and true love & passion. I am a glorified rockhound, called a Gemologist. But, also Grayson Gems defines my most important love...... my family. My dear husband, Jimmy & my three little gemstones (Spencer, Reagan & Cooper) are the real Grayson Gems, which drive me to be a better person each and everyday. I truly believe that your mind is like a parachute; it works better when open....that is why children are constantly learning & remain fascinated with the smallest of things...and their imagination is impeccable!
Check in from time to time.....I will add separate blogs which pertain to, and will be titled: JEWELRY or FAMILY, and maybe even occasionally PILATES... my other favorite pastime!